Art Gallery and Blog

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My husband's a big guy. In his own words:" I displace a LOT of water. Add a big ol' hat on top of that and you've got a landmark. So just like Curious George's man in the big yellow hat, Andrew Beeler led us through the airports in Halifax, Toronto, Panama and Guayaquil. At one point I stood back to watch and laugh as we tried to get the group to follow Adam while Andrew took the rear guard. The whole team of little monkeys just stopped walking, still continuing the various conversations, gathered around the hat while we, almost shouting, urged them to keep walking.

Well, big as be is, Andrews size is eclipsed by his heart. He's tenacious, persistent, fiercely, pitbullishly loyal, and always ready to serve. Like my old pal Sinclair who just went home to meet his Saviour face to face, Andrew's motto could be " I serve".

You never know what's going to happen when Andrew's around and you never know what's going to come out of his mouth, but you know you're in for a fast ride and a belly laugh of a good time.

He's been keeping track of his time here by writing emails to me and the folks back home and I thought it would be a great way for you to get a taste of what's shakin' down in Ecuador since they let the Canadians into the country... So here's Andrew's view, uncut, unrated, unedited, unstoppable:
Long hard day of work and then setting the prison bags with items, and Carito wants us to go to the top of the stairs tonight!!! 

It's awesome. Ran into another missionary group here supporting their missionary candidate. They are from Mississippi.

Great group this is there last day

We're just getting ready for dinner and then the stairs. I'm a big snow man melting in a hurry down here. All the Ecuadorian workers look at me with pity in their eyes.

I soaked an hour in the pool and played "loco" (monkey in the middle) with two 12 year old local boys, Miguel and hoi-cho(spelling). Carito doesn't trust me when I relay Spanish to her. Miguel said the game in english( crazies) with a Spanish accent and I thought he said creaser- in Spanish and she couldn't translate it and thought I was crazy.

Ill send this to her and Sonya maybe Sonya can blog it.

I have a couple photos and ill send more of the construction when I get them.

Yours in Christ


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